Monday, February 14, 2011

Salam Maulidur Rasul :'D

Assalamualaikum,yeah hari ini 15 feb 2011 hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW :'D hari bersejarah bagi semua umat Islam :') Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul :D Banyak banyak kan berselawat ye kawan kawan :'D

Okay now,i want to talk about the gorgeus ppl,guess who?Its Maria Elena,Hana Tajima and Heliza Helmi.Them are awesome right?Yeahh.If you don't know who them let me introduce them to you :D Ok first is maria elena,i know half of you know maria half of you don't know who she is,right?Oh mannn,i don't know how to describe it to you just go to her blog okay? Ok now is Hana Tajima actually i don't know about her at all,because this is first time i saw her at maria blog.Later i will show you her picture.And the last one is 'DEBOOMMMM WOWW RAWWRRR eyes' haha,it's heliza helmi!haha i like her so much because her eyes is WOWWW,haha.Heliza helmi is a artist so everyone know her :D SORRY IF MY ENGLISH LIKE -.- HAHA

This is maria elena with heliza helmi!Both of them are cute right?

This is maria elena with hana tajima,i like maria dress up,hana tajima too now I want to learn how to wear shawl like maria :D

YOOO,this is maria blog '